Thursday, August 14, 2014

Life Lessons From the Bible Character Stephen by Stephen Taylor

Acts 6-7

Life lesson #1
Be faithful to the Messiah with the message He has given despite if that means we might not live long.

Character - (Charasso) meaning symbol or imprint to engrave, to scrape and scratch.  Engraved mark.

Life lesson #2
The amount that we allow The Lord to engrave His character in our heart is to the amount we become christ like.

Life Lesson #3
Peace and humility are the characteristic of those who have truly placed their lives completely into God's hands.

Life Lesson #4
If we believe in the truth we don't have to defend ourselves against those who falsely accuse us.

Stephens martyrdom is what launched persecution and the birth of missions into the world.

Life Lesson #5
Being a person of faith and being filled with the Holy Spirit are the qualifiers of having a role in ministry no matter how menial the task.

Life Lesson #6
We are all part of history, God's story continues through those who walk with Him.  Just because no one is writing it down does not mean it's not important.  Do we see ourselves as part of a God provential plan?

Life Lesson #7 
No matter what our ministry role is (whether it be feeding older ladies) we have opportunities to walk in miracles and lead people into the kingdom of God.

Life Lesson #8
We have no right to be proud against those who come from a different worldview just because we know the truth.  We got to ask ourselves are we defending the faith or defending ourselves?

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