Friday, June 27, 2014

Life Lessons From King David by David Stabler

A Man After God's Heart

Life Lesson # 1
Patience, Patience, Patience

- David had the spirit of The Lord to be king way before he was anointed by Samuel as a teenager and wasn't appointed until he was thirty.
-  David during the timeframe learned to become a greater servant, warrior, friend.
-  If David had not been patient he would have forced his hand to be king.  His 2nd option was to just walk away and say forget being king.
-  Patience is no longer something our culture admires.
-  Life is becoming faster and faster.
-  Patience is a biblical characteristic that never goes out of style.
-  Patience is being like Christ for it is the fruit of the Spirit.  Without it we have rotten fruit.
-  Being Patient shows our love to others.

Application:  What am I willing to be patient for?

Life Lesson #2
Mastering the small lessons in life equip us to defeat the "giants" that may come.

Before David was warrior he was shepherd.
-  Shepherds provide shelter for sheep, pastures - to be fed, protection for they are defenseless.

- People want to start big rather than work their way to the top.  They don't want to do things "beneath them."

- Our character develops one small decision at a time.  Luke 16:10

-  Authority comes one small step at a time.  Luke 19:16-17
-  Authority is a God given responsibility to prove one's ability to be a good steward.

What small step is God calling me to be faithful in?

Life Lesson # 3
Growing in my relationship with God is my responsibility.  1 Samuel 30:6

-  It is in our preparation that makes us strong when we face difficulty.

How do you grow a relationship? 
-By spending time together.
-Share honestly.
- Sacrifice for the other person.

-  Relationship with God is a two way street.  

Do I do things for God or with God?
-  with someone builds relationship.
Can I share anything with God?
Do I do what God wants or what I want?
-  who really is boss?

Life Lesson #4
Revenge does not defeat our enemies; Grace does!

2 Samuel 9:3,11

-  We all have enemies.  People who are against us.
-  How do we respond?  Naturally we attack them or ignore them.  The biblical response is to seek peace with everyone, to love our enemies.
-  God doesn't ask us to do anything He hasn't done.
-  We have all been enemies of God.  God pursues His enemies with love and grace.  How about we do the same?

Showing grace restores relationships.

The testimony of David's life:
* Acts 13:36
Served the purpose of God, and he was a man after God's own heart.

Patience in all things
Faithfulness in the small
Growing our relationship with God
Sharing God's grace with others
Serving the purpose of God
Having a heart after God

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