Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where Our Strength Comes From - Life Lessons From Samson

Judges 13

Once again the Israelites do evil and are handed over to the enemy who oppresses them.  God rich in mercy supplies a deliverer.

Life Lesson #1
What God delivers to us is required to be dedicated back to Him (vs. 5).

Life Lesson #2
God rescued us that we would be set apart, different from the world, so people in the world would know where to look for help in time of trouble (vs.5)

Life Lesson #3
When we receive a message from God in part instead of walking in confusion and trying to figure it out on our own, seek Him.  God creates the mysterious so in our seeking and discovering our relationship deepens (vs. 7-14).

Life Lesson #4
Whether we have an encounter with God through an Angel of God or a man or woman of God we must remember they are just mere messengers, ministers of God's will.  They should never receive honor and glory except it be unto The Lord, less we worship the creation above the creator (vs. 17-23).

The American church often reflects Hollywood we have made celebrities out of Christian leaders.  It is time we cast down our idols and give glory to God alone.

Life Lesson #5
Samson's name means sun.  Our strength is to be a reflection of the Son.  God's strength is demonstrated as we operate out of the radiance of His Glory (vs. 24-25).

Judges 14
Life Lesson #6
If our parents (or anyone in authority) tradition stand against God's will (which at times goes against logic) we now have the God given authority to disobey them.  No matter how we explain it they will probably not understand, for tradition nullifies the word, though they have nothing but good intention, therefore we need to be respectful (vs.1-4).

Vs. 4-7
Life Lesson #7
Opposition may seem as if it is a warning from God to not proceed ahead but it could be the enemy trying to prevent us from entering into God's ultimate plan.  We know it is of God because what appears to be one thing is really a blessing in disguise.

In this incident Samson broke his vows and did wrong.  Yet God knowing all things turned it around for His purpose.

Vs. 8-25
Life Lesson #8
Just because God makes right what we did that was wrong does not mean we won't suffer consequences.

Life Lesson #9
Never play games with those whom deep down want to harm you.

Judges 15
Life Lesson #10
Blaming others instead of owning ones own wrong will lead to a life of animosity that will end in nothing but destruction.

Life Lesson #11
We cannot justify the wrong we do despite the results, our God given ability should not be used in a way that stands against the character of God.

We are to judge people by their fruit, godly character is the determining factor if ones actions are justified by God, our gifts are given without repentance.

Judges 16
Vs. 1-3
Life Lesson #12
What we do in the dark will be brought to the light.  What we think is hidden is already exposed, it's a matter of time before it gets the best of us.

Vs. 4-21
Life Lesson #13
No matter how gifted we are, if we stay around Delilah long enough, until will eventually lose our strength and become totally captured, bound to sin.

If we continue to grieve the Holy Spirit, the true source of our strength He will depart from us.

Life Lesson #14
We are never beyond restoration no matter what damage we have endured, God's mercy through our repentance will triumph over.

Life Lesson #15
When pride has become our downfall, humility will become our rebuilder.  Then the shame the enemy had us under will be turned unto his own head.

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