Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Life Lessons From the Life of Solomon

Life Lesson #1

1 Kings 1:37, 47

The desire of a godly leader is to be replaced with someone who will do even greater.

-Leaders who don't invest in replacing themselves are selfish.

Life Lesson #2

1 Kings 1:51-53

Mercy should be given to those who turn from rebellion and submit to God and those in authority.

Life Lesson #3

1 Kings 2:1-4

A Fathers final instructions can be followed and built on if he has walked it out himself but Fathers that are full of regret can only release good wishes that never amount to a thing.

Life Lesson #4

1 Kings 2:5-9

If we die with unresolved issues we pass them onto our children, we must assure that our children's inheritance is only blessings not curses.

Life Lesson #5

1 Kings 2:20-23

A wise leader never compromises even with family but through discernment knows ones true intent.

Life Lesson #6

1 Kings 3:3

We must have no exceptions regarding idols, if the enemy can find an area of access he will come in and rob us of that which God intended us to hold.

1 Kings 3:4-14

In God's mercy He will come and lock the gates where we have allowed the enemy access.  We must now ask God to fill the emptied area with His wisdom.

Life Lesson #7

1Kings 3:9

A godly leader is one who understands their personal limitations.  Who realizes that through reliance on God alone can a leader govern people well.

Life Lesson #8

1 Kings 3:10-14

What we ask God for should come from a right heart and a good motive, based on His greater purpose and not our personal agenda.  When our prayers are God honoring He will respond by not just granting our request but blessing us with our personal desires as well.

Life Lesson #9

1 Kings 3:28

Leaders with godly wisdom know how to settle disputes by asking the right questions that will bring out the truth, establishing justice.

Life Lesson #10

1 Kings 4:20,24-25,29-34

A godly leader does not take advantage of the weak but uses their God given wisdom for the benefit of everyone.

Life Lesson #11

1 Kings 5:1-8

When what we plan is to honor the name of The Lord, God will grant us favor with man and we will have the supply needed to follow it through.

Life Lesson #12

1 Kings 6:12-13

There are prerequisite conditions to the fulfillment of God's promises, we must obey the commands of The Lord.

Life Lesson #13

1 Kings 7:9-12

God desires that which is made unto Him to be of best quality for the glory of His name.  Since He is the best we should give our best.  Poor quality work brings shame to His name.

Life Lesson #14

1 Kings 8:10-13

God's invisibility becomes visible through the glory of God upon those who have become His holy temple.

Life Lesson #15

1 Kings 8:22-25

Inheritance is not automatic just because of ones bloodline, God's promises are conditional to our obedience.  What is passed down will be taken away if one doesn't represent God right.

Life Lesson #16

1 Kings 8:26-66

Godly leaders understand that their prayer life will determine how successful they lead for without acknowledgement of God they are bound to failure.

Life Lesson #17

1 Kings 9:1-2

We should not expect to receive new prophetic direction until we complete what God instructed us previously.

Life Lesson #18

1 Kings 9:3-9

I am just as responsible for my children as I am for myself, if either of us betray God, all the great and marvellous things that God has done will cease and devastation will follow.

Life Lesson #19

1 Kings 10

Having a good reputation is rare, leaders who have it will gain the hearts of other leaders and the people they serve both near and afar.

Life Lesson #20

1 Kings 11

What one obsesses about is what possesses their soul becoming the object that eventually seduces them away from God provoking His wrath to remove all blessings, opening the way for adversaries.

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