Friday, June 27, 2014

Life Lessons From King David by David Stabler

A Man After God's Heart

Life Lesson # 1
Patience, Patience, Patience

- David had the spirit of The Lord to be king way before he was anointed by Samuel as a teenager and wasn't appointed until he was thirty.
-  David during the timeframe learned to become a greater servant, warrior, friend.
-  If David had not been patient he would have forced his hand to be king.  His 2nd option was to just walk away and say forget being king.
-  Patience is no longer something our culture admires.
-  Life is becoming faster and faster.
-  Patience is a biblical characteristic that never goes out of style.
-  Patience is being like Christ for it is the fruit of the Spirit.  Without it we have rotten fruit.
-  Being Patient shows our love to others.

Application:  What am I willing to be patient for?

Life Lesson #2
Mastering the small lessons in life equip us to defeat the "giants" that may come.

Before David was warrior he was shepherd.
-  Shepherds provide shelter for sheep, pastures - to be fed, protection for they are defenseless.

- People want to start big rather than work their way to the top.  They don't want to do things "beneath them."

- Our character develops one small decision at a time.  Luke 16:10

-  Authority comes one small step at a time.  Luke 19:16-17
-  Authority is a God given responsibility to prove one's ability to be a good steward.

What small step is God calling me to be faithful in?

Life Lesson # 3
Growing in my relationship with God is my responsibility.  1 Samuel 30:6

-  It is in our preparation that makes us strong when we face difficulty.

How do you grow a relationship? 
-By spending time together.
-Share honestly.
- Sacrifice for the other person.

-  Relationship with God is a two way street.  

Do I do things for God or with God?
-  with someone builds relationship.
Can I share anything with God?
Do I do what God wants or what I want?
-  who really is boss?

Life Lesson #4
Revenge does not defeat our enemies; Grace does!

2 Samuel 9:3,11

-  We all have enemies.  People who are against us.
-  How do we respond?  Naturally we attack them or ignore them.  The biblical response is to seek peace with everyone, to love our enemies.
-  God doesn't ask us to do anything He hasn't done.
-  We have all been enemies of God.  God pursues His enemies with love and grace.  How about we do the same?

Showing grace restores relationships.

The testimony of David's life:
* Acts 13:36
Served the purpose of God, and he was a man after God's own heart.

Patience in all things
Faithfulness in the small
Growing our relationship with God
Sharing God's grace with others
Serving the purpose of God
Having a heart after God

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Life Lessons From The Life Of Samuel

Life Lesson #1
1 Samuel 1:10-12
God responds to prayers that are not self based but kingdom based.  Meaning prayers that are about the greater purpose beyond our needs being met, where what we receive from God is dedicated back to Him for His purposes.

- Hannah being barren represented barren Israel.  Her personal misfortunate was bigger than herself, it was due to the state of the nation, that God would use her cry to not only meet her need but the nation as well.

Life Lesson #2
1 Samuel 2:1-10
Our prayers answered establishes the revelation of who God is into who we now are.

Life Lesson #3
As God lifts us from the pit of despair our enemies fall down under.

Life Lesson #4
1 Samuel 2:17-18
You cannot trust that just because it is a religious institution godly behavior will be in effect.  What our heart is set on is what we will do no matter the environment.

Life Lesson #5
1 Samuel 2:22-26
When the kids in our household do not listen and still do wrong we must stop them or we will be just as guilty.

Life Lesson #6
Those that have a Christian title do not have a get out of jail free pass from the consequences of sin but rather suffer a more severe penalty, for their sin is not just against another but against God.

Life Lesson #7
1 Samuel 2:29, 32-36
Christian leaders that rob God for their own benefit will be replaced with the truly faithful and they will be turned into beggars who are always in need.

Life Lesson #8
1 Samuel 3:1-10
Just because someone serves The Lord does not mean they know The Lord.  Yet it is a servant heart that opens the ears to hear God's voice.  For God calls those that will obey Him.

Life Lesson #9
1Samuel 3:17-21
God will speak to anyone who listens, He will use whoever He can rely on to speak His truth, even if it means the student correcting the master.  People will respect anyone no matter the age if their words are proven to be true.

Life Lesson #10
1 Samuel 4:3,5,10-11, 21-22
God may turn His back on those who only call on Him when in need of help, for God's mercy eventually becomes judgment when people refuse to repent as His Glory fades away,

Life Lesson #11
1 Samuel 5:11
When we mix worship of God with pagan idolatry we provoke God's wrath.

Life Lesson #12
1 Samuel 7:3
God will only deliver those who really want it.  If we really want God we must give Him our heart which means removing all other idolatry.

Life Lesson #13
1 Samuel 7:8-10
We may have tasted defeat time and time again but the moment we get right with God we will taste victory.

Life Lesson #14
1 Samuel 7:15-17
We operate as God's judge as we grow in the grace to rightly divide the Word of Truth and become more discerning of God's voice.   For we are now able to bring counsel to others pointing people to God and away from sin.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Where Our Strength Comes From - Life Lessons From Samson

Judges 13

Once again the Israelites do evil and are handed over to the enemy who oppresses them.  God rich in mercy supplies a deliverer.

Life Lesson #1
What God delivers to us is required to be dedicated back to Him (vs. 5).

Life Lesson #2
God rescued us that we would be set apart, different from the world, so people in the world would know where to look for help in time of trouble (vs.5)

Life Lesson #3
When we receive a message from God in part instead of walking in confusion and trying to figure it out on our own, seek Him.  God creates the mysterious so in our seeking and discovering our relationship deepens (vs. 7-14).

Life Lesson #4
Whether we have an encounter with God through an Angel of God or a man or woman of God we must remember they are just mere messengers, ministers of God's will.  They should never receive honor and glory except it be unto The Lord, less we worship the creation above the creator (vs. 17-23).

The American church often reflects Hollywood we have made celebrities out of Christian leaders.  It is time we cast down our idols and give glory to God alone.

Life Lesson #5
Samson's name means sun.  Our strength is to be a reflection of the Son.  God's strength is demonstrated as we operate out of the radiance of His Glory (vs. 24-25).

Judges 14
Life Lesson #6
If our parents (or anyone in authority) tradition stand against God's will (which at times goes against logic) we now have the God given authority to disobey them.  No matter how we explain it they will probably not understand, for tradition nullifies the word, though they have nothing but good intention, therefore we need to be respectful (vs.1-4).

Vs. 4-7
Life Lesson #7
Opposition may seem as if it is a warning from God to not proceed ahead but it could be the enemy trying to prevent us from entering into God's ultimate plan.  We know it is of God because what appears to be one thing is really a blessing in disguise.

In this incident Samson broke his vows and did wrong.  Yet God knowing all things turned it around for His purpose.

Vs. 8-25
Life Lesson #8
Just because God makes right what we did that was wrong does not mean we won't suffer consequences.

Life Lesson #9
Never play games with those whom deep down want to harm you.

Judges 15
Life Lesson #10
Blaming others instead of owning ones own wrong will lead to a life of animosity that will end in nothing but destruction.

Life Lesson #11
We cannot justify the wrong we do despite the results, our God given ability should not be used in a way that stands against the character of God.

We are to judge people by their fruit, godly character is the determining factor if ones actions are justified by God, our gifts are given without repentance.

Judges 16
Vs. 1-3
Life Lesson #12
What we do in the dark will be brought to the light.  What we think is hidden is already exposed, it's a matter of time before it gets the best of us.

Vs. 4-21
Life Lesson #13
No matter how gifted we are, if we stay around Delilah long enough, until will eventually lose our strength and become totally captured, bound to sin.

If we continue to grieve the Holy Spirit, the true source of our strength He will depart from us.

Life Lesson #14
We are never beyond restoration no matter what damage we have endured, God's mercy through our repentance will triumph over.

Life Lesson #15
When pride has become our downfall, humility will become our rebuilder.  Then the shame the enemy had us under will be turned unto his own head.

Moving Beyond Excuse - Life Lessons From Gideon

Judges 6:1-6

Do you know people who go in and out of their relationship with God and yet are angry at the difficulties they face?

How often do we let problems pile up until they are unbearable before we cry out to God?

Judges 6:7-40

Life Lesson #1
God will respond to the cry of His children but are we willing to listen.  It is easy to complain, point fingers, and even blame God Himself but how about saying God use me to bring change.

God now chooses Gideon a "least likely" to become Israel's deliverer.  The problem though despite the angel of the Lord speaking to Gideon "God is with you, mighty warrior,"Gideon had a hard time believing it.

What excuse have we made for God not being able to use us?  We can believe Him for salvation but why not as His deliverer.

Blaming others for the problems we face comes easy.  Making excuses comes just as easy to those who are blamed.

Leaders get bombarded with people who want to complain yet won't volunteer themselves.

Life Lesson #2
What God is looking for are people who move beyond making excuses and blaming others and start taking ownership of the land by becoming change agents through Christ.

Life Lesson #3
God is okay with us seeking a sign from Him before we step out for at least we are attempting to believe, what He is not okay with is unbelief.

I have always been a big dreamer but sometimes when a dream is about to become a reality it is hard to believe that God the creator of the Universe would use me despite my shortcomings!

Despite our doubts God continues in His mercy and long suffering to reveal His plan to us in one way and another until we finally say, yes Lord, I believe, and fear turns to faith, and anxiety turns to peace as we submit ourself to Him as a living sacrifice to follow His will.

Life Lesson #4
It will always cost something to obey God.  Have we counted the cost?  Are we willing to surrender all, even if it means our life?

In the midst of confrontation God's Spirit will empower us as it did with Gideon to stand strong for the Lord.

Chapter 7
vs. 1-7
Why do we to face such adversity in life?  Why does every step forward come with such a fight?  Why do battles that seem easy become so difficult?

We see these questions answered in Judges 7:2.

Life Lesson #5
If things were so easy we would become proud.  The glory goes to God when man cannot boast in that which only God can do.  (vs. 2)

Life Lesson #6
We should rather walk forward with a few, who are filled with faith, than many who are full of fear.  What pleases God is not numbers but faith.  If people are growing in faith God is pleased, for faith moves mountains not crowds (vs.3)

Life Lesson #7
Some people mix faith and foolishness together.  They say they are walking by faith but they are blind from lack of understanding.  Wisdom and faith need to go hand in hand.

If we don't have a proper balanced Kingdom perspective of the Word of God, our so called faith will turn out to be nothing but foolishness.  Man may promote us because of our gift but God promotes us when we have been made truly ready by the word of God.

God tested the men of Israel and only 300 out of 20,000 had faith mixed with intelligence.  Yet God only needs the few who are truly ready to take down a multitude of enemies (vs. 4-7)

Life Lesson #8
As long as we have the desire to believe, God has away of erasing our doubts (vs. 9-15)

Life Lesson #9
When the Word of the Lord directs our steps the sword of the Lord goes before us and defeats all our enemies (vs.17-25).

Chapter 8
Vs. 1-3

Have you ever expected peers to celebrate victory with you but rather they responded with animosity?

Life Lesson #10
People's criticism often comes from jealousy, to avoid unnecessary conflict, the best response (like Gideon when he returned from victory over the Midianites), is to remind them of their own great accomplishments (which caused their anger to reside).

Vs. 4-21

Jesus said in Mark 9:40 "that those who are not against us are for us," therefore those who are against us are not for us.  Gideon reached out for help when his men were tired and was refused, in which Gideon promised punishment would follow.  This did not steer Gideon away from his original objection to catch and destroy Zebah and Zalmunna.  Though tired they continued on and met their objection and later returned and punished those who refused to help.

Life Lesson #11
We must be about our Father's business not allowing disappointments to move us out of His perfect will.  People who we expect to support us may reject us when in need, but God will still carry us through, we don't need to take it personal for "vengeance is mine says the Lord."

Vs. 22-35

Why would we rather be ruled by man than God?  Is it that we prefer a lower standard.  We would rather not lose total control.

Life Lesson #12
When the people of Israel finally recognized the value of Gideon and admonished him to rule them, he said no, that the Lord alone would rule over them.

This is why God uses the least likely, for in their broken state, they serve God in humility.

Man may promote us because of our ability but God promotes us because of our humility.

Godly humility recognizes that one is nothing without God for He alone therefore is exalted.

Many people start well but don't finish well.  Gideon created a sacred ephod made from gold as a memorial to honor God.  People prefer idols because they do not require one's life in return.  They have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof.  They are merely symbolic, just mere images, not the authentic real thing.

Life Lesson #13
As leaders we must understand that what we think may be right because it comes from a pure heart may not be wise because of those around us who may use it with wrong intentions.  What Gideon thought was honorable to God became a stumbling block for idol worship.  We must be wise what is the condition of the hearts of the people we serve so that what we implement instead of drawing closer God drives them further away.