Thursday, January 9, 2014

Don't Test God!

Don't Test God 

(Life Lessons From Biblical Characters:  Moses)

Exodus 17: 1-2
Have you ever tormented someone as a test to see what they can handle? Well as a teen I sure did. School life can be cruel, even with the anti bullying movement, kids still get picked on. Those who fight back the most are often the ones most targeted. I remember playing football in high school during freshman initiation, we either went willingly into urinated puddles, or were dragged through it by force, I chose the willing, for I dove through quick and was out but those who fought it were dragged slowly.

As parents do you feel tested by your kids, like they try to see if they can push you to the limit? It's like how dare they! 

The children of Israel, much like my child Israel, pestered Moses, they were never satisfied, always complaining and making demands. Moses not taking it personally, told them why are you testing God?

Exodus 17:3-9

When we are complaining we are testing God. When we point fingers at people, we join Satan in his ministry of accusation, releasing demonic hordes. The spiritual war is won or lost by what comes out of our mouth. Our words are weapons of kingdom of Heaven advancement or continual earthly destruction depending on what spirit they manifest from.

When accusation comes, the best response is to go to our lawyer, Jesus Christ our advocate, who always stands ready in defense. If we fight in the flesh, Satan will continue to steal, kill, and destroy, until we are wiped out. 

God has supplied all we need, our dissatisfaction comes from not recognizing what He has given. God's hand of blessing is in you and me. The closer we develop relationships with His body the more satisfied we will tend to be. 

God will align us with those who will stand strong beside us. He will use us together to bless our enemies despite their ungodly attitudes, proving to them His unconditional love. We are often overwhelmed because of our isolation, it is much more difficult to take out a group than an individual. We need to stop distancing ourselves from the body of Christ but draw nearer, the war can only be won as an army united together. If we are not fighting together against the enemy, the enemy will use us to fight against each other, so we destroy our very own.

Exodus 17:10-16

Like Moses it is difficult to offer continual Praise in the midst of war. When we are going through it and discouragement comes, we see who really has our back. Fellowship is good but do we have friends that will go to war with us. Often it is those we stand with during difficulties that will return the favor and stand with us. It can be tiring to help people but we reap what we sow, everyone has battles to face, investing time with others is the key to living a victorious life.

Kids often don't realize how blessed they are, they murmur and complain, being ungrateful, testing their parents, until they are ready to blow. Separate from God's body we will always be in want, behaving like whining kids, but if we choose to grow closer together, we will have those who will fight with us and share their blessings with us, leaving nothing left to complain about. Let us stop testing God but rather start Praising God for all the great things He has done.

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