Thursday, January 16, 2014

Avoiding Burn Out!

Avoiding Burn Out!

Exodus 18:7-12

We all have family members that are hard to approach when it comes to talking about our relationship with God? We need to learn to give them time! As God works in and through our lives it will become impossible not to recognize. Even if they far away from us they will hear about it. Curiosity will eventually set in and instead of us pushing it in their face, they will come seeking. As we now testify of God's goodness and their heart is now open it will be hard to resist making a life change.

Exodus 18:13-27

In our youthful zeal we often overcommit, trying to accomplish everything and what we accomplish don't last. With age usually comes wisdom, one learns what is the most valuable use of time. This helps reduce our activities so we can live a more healthy balanced life. We understand more our God given assignment and don't get pulled into overextending ourselves in activity that is meant for someone else. 

Years of fruitless work that brings unhealthy habits, causing stress and physical breakdown can be avoided if we listen to the advice of our elders. The generation gap needs a bridge called humility. Pride is what separates the fool from the wise.

We need people in our life that will ask us the tough questions like Jethro gave Moses, "what's going on here, why are you doing all this, and all by yourself?" 

Really, who do we think we are? Why do we think we can do everything? Is it because we think we are God? We might not admit it, but when we do good without going to God, we are choosing to operate in his place, as if we can do His will without Him.

When leaders fall they often take down those that look up to them. We think we are working so hard to help people yet when we burn out we will harm them more than any good we ever did. People are prone to point out our failures more than when we succeed, they see our flaws more than our good traits. 

It is not about choosing to ignore or just be lazy, it's about knowing our limitations and assuring we stay standing strong. One of my most often quotes is "I'm only as strong as my team." Meaning what I can do depends on the abilities of those around me. We need to stick to where God has given us grace and let others do the same. So if we want to see great things done we should invest our time in developing a team with diverse gifts.

As Jethro told Moses "if you handle the work this way you will have the strength to carry out whatever God commands you and the people in their settings will flourish as well."

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