Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Face to Face - Life Lessons From Biblical Characters - Moses

While growing up my Grandma did not drive so we had to rely on others for transportation. Living in the rainforest of Washington state you could not just walk and get somewhere. It seemed my childhood was filled with hours of just waiting, it would drive me crazy, still to this day I hate waiting for others. 

Have you ever gotten tired of waiting on God and decided to take matters in your own hands? 

This is what happened with the children of Israel, Moses was taking forever on the mountain with God. So Aaron who was second in command let the people convince him to do things their own way, forget Moses, forget God, let's make our own gods, that are available when and how we want them. 

Do we have objects that we turn to when desperate rather than Jehovah God? 

The moment we choose to forsake God our old carnal nature comes to the surface. In this life we will never be completely delivered from our past until we are delivered from our flesh. We must catch the warning signs before we fall. We need accountability partners, who will hold us to established restrictions so we stay standing. We need to be like Moses on the mountain, in the game, rather than the children of Israel down below, spectating from afar. When we spectate we speculate, our thoughts wander, and sin lies at the door.

Have you ever been able to convince someone not to go through with something, though their mind had been set? I know my own stubborn nature, once my mind is set only the closest people have a chance to convince me I may be wrong. Moses was that close to God that he convinced Him not to destroy the children of Israel. God may have just been testing Moses loyalty as Israel's leader, yet this helps us understand how deep He wants our relationship to be. Moses is one of the greatest examples of a friend of God.

When I was in school we terrorized substitute teachers, they were often timid, and afraid, not able to stand in authority against the lack of respect we gave them. We ate them up and chewed them out, some never taught again. We can see who true leaders are by how they handle adversity. 

Aaron gave the people what they wanted, he was more concerned about being liked, than taking a righteous stand, so he led them into wickedness, disgracing Israel amongst their enemies. People point fingers not so much on the leader who did wrong but on those who appointed them. Leaders must be tested before given certain responsibilities.

Moses was willing to be erased from the book of life if God would not forgive their sins. True leaders lay down their life for the sake of their followers. They are willing to take the heat for their groups own failures. Many leaders bounce when things get out of hand, godly leaders stick to whom God has called them to until God sends them elsewhere. They are not moved by circumstances they are moved only by the voice of God.

God told Moses okay I won't destroy the children of Israel, but since I can't stand them, I will just take care of matters from afar. It's like most CEO's they don't interact with the employees, they are behind closed doors, out of sight, making decisions from afar. 

Now that the people hear this news, they are depressed, they for one did not want to get too close to God, yet they didn't want Him too far as well. They are afraid to live without Him but also afraid to get too close to Him, sounds like many of us Christians today.

God established a tent of meeting, what we call church, where people could meet with God. Yet Moses was the one that mainly entered this tent, with Joshua who would remain after he left. The people would give their respect, standing in attention, bowing down in worship as the pillar of cloud came upon the tent. But, Moses alone would speak to God face-to-face.

How many of us come to church, listen to the sermon, bow down and worship God, but don't encounter Him face to face?

In Exodus 33:11-23 you see Moses talking with God the way we would talk to our close friends. Have any of us talked to God in this manner? Maybe we could expect God to talk to us like this, but to talk back to God, to question Him, and then make requests that nobody else has experienced before. Who does Moses think he is? Well, God's friend, that's who.

Moses knew that the only distinguishing factor he had was the presence of God. We must learn from this! I was away in Seattle recently without my family, I hated it! I do not like being on my own. I love traveling, experiencing new places, but not without my family. This is how we should be with God's presence. 

We need to learn the art of waiting on God, not moving until He is leading and guiding us in fellowship along the way. Well isn't God omnipresent? Yes, but He manifests His presence upon those who seek Him. Our seeking proves our wanting. Just like in the dating world one may play "hard to get" so the other can prove how much they really want them. 

Those who don't worship and pray daily don't really want God. We can say we love someone but if we always ignore them and never make time for them, we don't, "for actions speak louder than words."

How many of us struggle in our relationships, we are not good spouses, good parents, or good friends? We have pasts that are full of hurts and our trust level is bare minimum. Where do we start? Renewing the mind, changing the way we think is what will change the way we act.

“The person who knows my commandments and keeps them, that’s who loves me. And the person who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and make myself plain to him.” (John 14:21 MSG)

We can only walk with God as long as we are willing to obey Him. To the degree of our obedience will determine the degree of His manifestation.

In John 15 it says He makes Himself home with those who keeps His commandments. These are those whom are His friends in which He lets them in on everything He hears from the Father.

I don't know about you, but I'm convicted of not being a very good friend of God. I don't want a distant relationship, I want to encounter God moment to moment, face to face such as Moses. So I repent for grieving the Holy Spirit and choosing not to enjoy the fullness of God's love that can be experienced in His presence by complete obedience to His word as His friend.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Guidelines to Healthy Relationships

Guidelines to Healthy Relationships

Read Exodus 19:3-6

I often reflect on how amazing my life has turned out despite the challenging circumstances. My mother was schizophrenic, I was abandoned by my Father, abducted from a cult by my grandmother, who raised me in a home with her abusive husband. This is only half of it, yet through it all God used my Grandmother to shelter me from what would have been an expected negative upbringing.

Considering all I faced my grandmother was rather overprotective which as a young adult led to being confused as I lacked clear direction. But, God swept me up in His eagles wings, supernaturally saving me, renewing my mind, transforming my life, where I am now a very focused, purpose led, individual. 

We have been chosen as God's special treasure to reflect His character and ways so the world discovers what they are truly longing for. 

It is easy to receive love the difficulty is replicating it. We often don't realize how selfish we are until we get involved in a serious relationship. How we treat our spouse is a reflection of the level of our spirituality.

Read Exodus 19:8-25

I would expect young people sign up for the military primarily because of the benefits. Yet when boot camp hits, or war breaks out, some wish they had never done so. The benefits are great but it can cost your life.

Regarding marriage, saying "I do" is one thing, keeping your vows is another. No matter what people may say, male and female are completely different, actually no two people are alike, so how can two people walk together? It takes, "laying down one's life for the other." This is the ultimate expression of love, for which Christ was the ultimate example. 

The children of Israel wanted the blessings of God without relationship. They wanted to keep their distance, do their own thing, just maintain religious rituals, such as offering animal sacrifices when God wanted their hearts. When we just go to church, without opening the Word for ourselves, having communion yet not living in communion, singing songs but not worshiping in spirit and truth, giving money alone, we are no different. We expect the Pastor to be our bridge between us and God, but Jesus Christ is that bridge and each individual must go through Him to enjoy the blessings of salvation.

Exodus 20

As previously stated, I did not know how selfish I was until I got married, I honestly thought I knew what it meant to walk with God. My wife often reminds me when I am only thinking about myself. She has become my standard of how much of God's love I really have. Over the years we have learned each other's love language and have grown quite a lot. When I notice how beautiful she looks, open the door for her, assist her with something without her asking, I am behaving like a gentleman, making her feel my love and support.

The ten commandments are not rules they are guidelines to a healthy relationship. They were not created to keep us from doing certain things they were created to help us love God and love others right. They are the standard of true love. The law has not been done away with but fulfilled through Jesus Christ. We can never obey the law apart from Christ. One thing that has bothered my wife through the years is the excuse I make when I treat her wrong. I tell her I am sorry, pray for me, I need more of God. I cannot love without God for He is love. 

We cannot obey them by keeping them before us night and day like the children of Israel did. We don't try to obey in order to show we love God. We obey them by our love for God as we abide in Christ. Jesus said the ten commandments can be summed up in two parts "loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and loving others as we love ourselves."

As the love of God through the Holy Spirit abides in us through Christ, God becomes the center of our lives, which is reflected by what comes out of our mouths as we rest in relationship with Him. His love is seen in how we treat others as we honor our fathers and mothers, not murdering, as well as not stealing, lying, lusting, or being jealous in either thought or deed.

Though the people responded in Exodus 19 that they would do whatever God asked of them, here in chapter 20, after hearing the ten commandments they continued to distance themselves in fear for they only wanted to go so far.

How far will we go with God's love? Let's draw near to God as living sacrifices repenting for staying so distant for so long.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Avoiding Burn Out!

Avoiding Burn Out!

Exodus 18:7-12

We all have family members that are hard to approach when it comes to talking about our relationship with God? We need to learn to give them time! As God works in and through our lives it will become impossible not to recognize. Even if they far away from us they will hear about it. Curiosity will eventually set in and instead of us pushing it in their face, they will come seeking. As we now testify of God's goodness and their heart is now open it will be hard to resist making a life change.

Exodus 18:13-27

In our youthful zeal we often overcommit, trying to accomplish everything and what we accomplish don't last. With age usually comes wisdom, one learns what is the most valuable use of time. This helps reduce our activities so we can live a more healthy balanced life. We understand more our God given assignment and don't get pulled into overextending ourselves in activity that is meant for someone else. 

Years of fruitless work that brings unhealthy habits, causing stress and physical breakdown can be avoided if we listen to the advice of our elders. The generation gap needs a bridge called humility. Pride is what separates the fool from the wise.

We need people in our life that will ask us the tough questions like Jethro gave Moses, "what's going on here, why are you doing all this, and all by yourself?" 

Really, who do we think we are? Why do we think we can do everything? Is it because we think we are God? We might not admit it, but when we do good without going to God, we are choosing to operate in his place, as if we can do His will without Him.

When leaders fall they often take down those that look up to them. We think we are working so hard to help people yet when we burn out we will harm them more than any good we ever did. People are prone to point out our failures more than when we succeed, they see our flaws more than our good traits. 

It is not about choosing to ignore or just be lazy, it's about knowing our limitations and assuring we stay standing strong. One of my most often quotes is "I'm only as strong as my team." Meaning what I can do depends on the abilities of those around me. We need to stick to where God has given us grace and let others do the same. So if we want to see great things done we should invest our time in developing a team with diverse gifts.

As Jethro told Moses "if you handle the work this way you will have the strength to carry out whatever God commands you and the people in their settings will flourish as well."

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Don't Test God!

Don't Test God 

(Life Lessons From Biblical Characters:  Moses)

Exodus 17: 1-2
Have you ever tormented someone as a test to see what they can handle? Well as a teen I sure did. School life can be cruel, even with the anti bullying movement, kids still get picked on. Those who fight back the most are often the ones most targeted. I remember playing football in high school during freshman initiation, we either went willingly into urinated puddles, or were dragged through it by force, I chose the willing, for I dove through quick and was out but those who fought it were dragged slowly.

As parents do you feel tested by your kids, like they try to see if they can push you to the limit? It's like how dare they! 

The children of Israel, much like my child Israel, pestered Moses, they were never satisfied, always complaining and making demands. Moses not taking it personally, told them why are you testing God?

Exodus 17:3-9

When we are complaining we are testing God. When we point fingers at people, we join Satan in his ministry of accusation, releasing demonic hordes. The spiritual war is won or lost by what comes out of our mouth. Our words are weapons of kingdom of Heaven advancement or continual earthly destruction depending on what spirit they manifest from.

When accusation comes, the best response is to go to our lawyer, Jesus Christ our advocate, who always stands ready in defense. If we fight in the flesh, Satan will continue to steal, kill, and destroy, until we are wiped out. 

God has supplied all we need, our dissatisfaction comes from not recognizing what He has given. God's hand of blessing is in you and me. The closer we develop relationships with His body the more satisfied we will tend to be. 

God will align us with those who will stand strong beside us. He will use us together to bless our enemies despite their ungodly attitudes, proving to them His unconditional love. We are often overwhelmed because of our isolation, it is much more difficult to take out a group than an individual. We need to stop distancing ourselves from the body of Christ but draw nearer, the war can only be won as an army united together. If we are not fighting together against the enemy, the enemy will use us to fight against each other, so we destroy our very own.

Exodus 17:10-16

Like Moses it is difficult to offer continual Praise in the midst of war. When we are going through it and discouragement comes, we see who really has our back. Fellowship is good but do we have friends that will go to war with us. Often it is those we stand with during difficulties that will return the favor and stand with us. It can be tiring to help people but we reap what we sow, everyone has battles to face, investing time with others is the key to living a victorious life.

Kids often don't realize how blessed they are, they murmur and complain, being ungrateful, testing their parents, until they are ready to blow. Separate from God's body we will always be in want, behaving like whining kids, but if we choose to grow closer together, we will have those who will fight with us and share their blessings with us, leaving nothing left to complain about. Let us stop testing God but rather start Praising God for all the great things He has done.