Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Are You Any Different?

Are You Any Different?

In the dating world, guys often try to convince girls that they are different than other guys, proving their sincerity by initially showing commitment. Yet, often it is just a front,to gain emotional attachment, to make it easier to get what they want.

In the Christian world, Christians often try to convince the world that they are different, "not like the other hypocrites." Yet, often it is just a front, for once the price of commitment is learned they begin to slowly back off.

We maybe good at acting, but God knows the heart whether it is good or evil, He sees through our charade. 

We are now going to look at the biblical character of Noah who was truly different from those in the world.

* Read Genesis 6:5-10

Has your life ever been so out of control, that you felt so sorry for yourself, you wish you didn't exist? From government research done in 2009, over 8 million people over the age of 18 struggle with suicidal thoughts, over 2 million planned to commit suicide, and over 1 million attempted it.

God, Himself got so tired of how out of control and evil people were, He was sorry He ever made them and planned to destroy them. But, God liked Noah for he was different. Noah was a man of integrity in his community for he walked with God. God can change his plans for just one person that is close to him and we are eternally grateful for Noah for God used him in his redemption plan. 

One of the required characteristics of a leader described in 1 Timothy is integrity in the community. We've all known people that are two faced, they are one thing in one place and another somewhere else. People can be good chameleon's they adjust to their environment. Employers are now using social networks to find out more of the character of the person they are considering to hire. Some people may think this is an invasion of privacy but these networks are public domain. It would be wise especially in church circles to assure someone is a good witness of integrity in their community before placing them in church leadership. Those who walk with God consistently reflect him in all aspects of life.

Read Genesis 6:11-22

I have heard stories from those involved in the restoration process from Super Storm Sandy where people are just now asking for assistance, but at this point it's too hazardous to even try, so they have to say, "sorry nothing can be done but to demolish the home and rebuild." 

This was the state of the earth in Noah's time, totally corrupted, beyond repair, the only plan was to basically start over. This is what was revealed to Noah in this passage, how God was going to use him to restore the earth. 

No matter how well we clean a room, even if we don't use it, with time, it will need cleaning again. There is something we don't see called dust that we can't keep from forming. Until the new heaven and the new earth comes and we receive our new bodies, sin will remain and restoring will be needed. Can God call on us as He did with Noah to be His agent in the restoration process as described in Acts 3:21?

God's plan He spoke with Noah was bigger than what the natural mind could perceive. There had not been a flood before, a boat had never been built, and to be able to gather two of every kind of creature is way beyond, yet what made Noah so different is he believed God no matter what He said. The more we get to know this Big God the more our faith grows and the bigger the plan's He reveals. 

I encourage every one of us to go closer, dig deeper, be different.

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