Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Abram - Letting Go, Moving Forward!

Abram - Letting Go & Moving Ahead!

Read Gen. 12:1

How far we walk with God will be determined by what we are willing to leave behind!

Whenever we seem stuck in one place we need to ask ourselves what do we need to be free from?

The less we carry the further we go.

The hardest area to be stripped from is family traditions and responsibilities.

We are now part of a new family, a new kingdom, we have given our rights to God, He is our Master, He is our Lord, He directs our steps. So if He says go we go! We can never run against our Heavenly Father and win. If we want victory in life we must run with Him.

Read Genesis 12:2-3

What we let go of cannot compare with what we gain.

I once wanted to be famous, live the American Idol dream. I thought pursuing an acting career would be the way. I longed to be in front of huge crowds where people basically worshipped me. I wanted fancy cars, gorgeous women, and huge homes. Is it worth it though to gain the whole world and lose our soul? We see so many famous people messed up, they didn't understand what they had to do to fulfill their dreams, many sell their souls to the Devil.

It is false humility to try to be so little that we never allow God to become great. God did not save us to remain hidden in the shadows. He has saved us to make Himself known. We may have a timid nature but when the Holy Spirit fills us we are bold. We need to stop holding back and holding onto our gifts. He has blessed us to be a blessing. We don't even have a clue how great God is until we start stepping out in faith.

Read Genesis 12:4-6

Have you ever had someone in your life you tried to help but then couldn't get rid of?

We cannot help everyone, we are only obligated to obey God. Who we are helping could be those who will only slow us down keep us from our ultimate destiny.

Some people come with a Lot of baggage that only God can strip away, when we interfere we are expected to do what only God can do, and we just simply can't. A lot of our headaches are from our own well doing. It is easy to let our emotions especially regarding family members to disguise the true voice of God. We must learn to submit everything to God and let Him guide us no matter how we feel.

Application: Ask Holy Spirit is there any baggage I need to unload?  Ask Holy Spirit if you have a Lot in your life you need to detach from?

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