Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Keys To Victorious Living - Joshua Chapters 7-11

Joshua Chapter 7

No matter how small the battle may seem we need to confer with God before stepping out.

It is good to be confident but presumption often leads to defeat.

We need to properly evaluate everything we plan to do or we will be caught off guard.

"We are only as strong as our weakest link," if one team member is in sin it effects us all.  As it says in Joshua 7:13, "we won't be able to face our enemies until we have gotten rid of cursed things."

When we pray God opens our eyes to the conditions of our heart. When all is right, peace will fill the atmosphere and the light will turn green as we press on.

Those who have been exposed and refuse to be purified must be ostracized from the camp.

This act of punishment is not to condemn but to establish a righteous standard, with the hope that through such discipline repentance will follow as people realize the consequences of their sin.

Joshua Chapter 8

1 God said to Joshua, “Don’t be timid and don’t so much as hesitate. Take all your soldiers with you and go back to Ai. I have turned the king of Ai over to you—his people, his city, and his land.

What seems like a loss is a gain if we learn our lesson and get right with God. We will know this to be true for God will lead us to continue to advance His Kingdom.

 It is okay to get knocked down as long we we get back up and counter with truth.

The damage from our mistakes are never beyond God's ability to restore.

As long as we listen and follow God's leading we will always outsmart our enemy. When God is in control complete victory is what always follows.

Joshua Chapter 9

14The men of Israel looked them over and accepted the evidence. But they didn’t ask God about it.

Our enemy is constantly trying to fool us, for he is the father of lies. Only through God can we see the evil intentions of that which appears good, for Satan mask's himself as an angel of light.

In the areas we don't acknowledge God we can bet we have been deceived. In the Spirit we see Truth, and as long as we see Truth we see through lies.

Once we have given our word we must honor it even if we were fooled, and hope that through repentance God will be merciful and the consequences of not acknowledging Him won't be too severe.

Joshua Chapter 10

Each victory we win the enemy will respond with bigger opposition but the Captain of the armies of the Lord can even cause the Sun and moon to stand still until our enemies are defeated, "For our battles are not our own but the Lord's."

As long as the Lord is fighting our battles there are no impossibilities, therefore we should not hold back, but be strong and courageous for victory is the Lord's.

We are not called in Christ to taste defeat any longer, victory should be the order of each day.

Joshua Chapter 11

15Just as God commanded his servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it. He didn’t leave incomplete one thing that God had commanded Moses.

To honor God is to honor those who God places in our life to follow.

It is one thing to honor God who is perfect but how about to honor those who are not perfect, for the bible says "we are to submit to one another."

We need to stop pointing out our leader's flaws and rather support and honor them as unto the Lord.

The way we honor someone is as Joshua did with Moses, "he didn't leave incomplete one thing that God had commanded Moses."

God moves through His body maybe we can't recognize Him because of our judgmental view.

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