Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Rescued - Life Lessons From Moses pt. 1

In this fallen world we find ourselves in need of rescue often.  Some of us like myself needed to be rescued from the very beginning.  My mother was diagnosed with severe schizophrenia and was in the cult group hare krishna when I was born (which is a miracle itself considering legal abortion).  I have a picture of me with a shaved head in the backyard of there facility in Seattle, WA around the age of one.  The cult planned to have me sent to India where the religion is based as I was seen as a "special child," whatever that meant.  My grandmother snuck into the facility abducted me, took legal custody, and I was rescued, sounds like a movie, huh!  Maybe this was the spark that gave me the desire from young to make a positive difference in the world.

In Egypt during the time of Moses due to the threat of population growth amongst the Jews, every male born would be murdered.  When hiding Moses was no longer an option he was placed in a basket in the Nile River with the hope that somehow someway he would survive.  Miraculously, He was rescued by Pharaoh's daughter, and still able to be nursed by his mother, and raised in Pharaoh's palace.

The initial years of a new born are of utmost importance in shaping there tomorrow.

Moses could have lived comfortably in the Palace,  denying the hardship of his people, but he had an inner drive that he was saved for a higher purpose than living for himself.  So as he matured and began to witness the cruel treatment of the Jews by the Egyptians he responded.  In our youthful zeal we lack the ability to control our emotions so our response is often extreme.  Moses in trying to do good did wrong, and now had to run from the law.

One cannot settle in the present if they are still running from the past.  Humility is learned through trial and error.  How many mistakes will we make before we choose to rely on God?  It is better to turn ourself in than to keep running from the law.  The consequences of breaking God's laws cannot be rectified with grace until we repent and surrender.

When Moses heart was open God was revealed.   Most people need a personal encounter with God like Moses had with the burning bush before they start walking out there purpose.  As God is revealed, we begin to understand why we have been through what we've been through, and how it can all be used for good.

The biggest struggle with believing God is being able to see beyond yourself.  If our current identity is based on our past mistakes we live with an inferiority complex.  No matter what God says we will find an excuse as we limit ourselves to what we are not.  Until we can acknowledge God as I AM, our faith will be crippled by fear.   Faith is not to be in ourselves but in Christ alone.  If God says it, He can do it, enough said, questions answered, Amen.

Not everything God reveals to us is for us to do.  We are part of a team, the body of Christ, each one with special gifts and abilities that together in Christ we can do all things.   Before we step out, we need to step in.  A team cannot develop without practice for how strong the team becomes will determine what opposition they can handle.  What we are capable of doing depends on who we are aligned with.
God gave Moses - Aaron, to be his spokesman,  since Moses faith wavered when it came to public speaking.  Some of the greatest speakers such as Benny Hinn, T.D. Jakes and Moses have had stuttering problems.  God strength is seen as we rely on Him in our weakness.  But, If we doubt, we will do without, if we believe, we will receive.

Another area of doubt is limiting what we can do by what we have.  Whatever we have been given as long as we walk by faith it will be magnified to what ever is needed.  God used the staff of Moses as the instrument of signs and wonders that would deliver His people.  Whatever we place in God's hands is no longer little.

The process of rescuing the world?  1.  It starts with God transforming the individual.  2.  It spreads to the family.  3.  Through the family, the church.  4.  Through the church, the community.  5.  Through the community, the nation.  6.  Through the nation, the world.

We cannot expect to rescue others until we first our rescued ourselves, next week in life lessons with Moses we will move beyond being rescued to becoming a rescuer.


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