Tuesday, September 17, 2013

To Sin or Not to Sin that is the Question?

* Gen. 3:1-5
   Have you ever heard a message that was completely distorted from the original?

   The more something is spoken to others the more the intent of the message is lost.  We have all experienced being accused of saying something we did not say, or having our words twisted to mean something totally different than what we meant.

     Don't you wish that people would come to you to insure what they heard was really true!

There are certain things you don't reveal to children until they are mature enough to handle it.  Yet, how can we protect our kids when others don't hold the same standards?  How do we respond to our kids when they ask a question that we don't want to answer just yet? 

I used to hang around people I knew were not good company.  They knew how to get the worst out of me, to convince me to do things I knew I shouldn't.  I tried to avoid them but they just knew when to show up.  

When God is not acknowledged, Satan is at the door.  Satan does not create evil, he distorts truth. As long as God is not present we are open to deception.  

* Gen. 3:6-13

Evil always looks good initially.  But, we quickly know what we did was wrong because we feel shame and want to cover it up.  We may try to convince ourselves it is no big deal but then why do we feel so guilty.  We may blame whom we think is at fault, but who pays the price for a crime, all those involved.  To be a witness and stay quiet brings the same severity of punishment.  

If we feel uncomfortable around someone suddenly it is the inner witness that we did them wrong.  It is amazing to hear of those who have cheated on their spouse yet lived together as if nothing was wrong?  When two people really love each other and have become one flesh they feel each other's pain and know when they are separated.  How can we Christians sleep with the enemy by following his lies and still parade around church as if everything is fine?

As long as someone has things to hide,  they are living a lie, and are bound to Satan, who can now use them to distort truth and deceive others.  We must beware of those who have no accountability and avoid allowing anyone to get personally close to them.  Just because someone is gifted and talented does not mean they are free.  The truth sets one free!  Those who are open and honest, transparent, are those that reflect the mirror image of Jesus Christ.  

* Gen. 3:14-24

Have you ever felt your life is an endless cycle of misfortune?  This is why we long for vacation, so we can escape the daily struggle of work and relational hostility, yet it is never enough.  So we long for Heaven, the hope of an eternal vacation where all our problems are forever gone.

The result of sin is separation from God, but through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the wall has been torn in two, the curse can now be broken through faith in Jesus Christ.  The Garden is now being restored, not in Eden, but in our heart.  God has extended His hand and if we choose to grab hold His blessings come simply by walking with Him.

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